The Action Bibles!

Here’s the most complete picture Bible ever! And it features a captivating, up-to-date artwork style—making it the perfect Bible for today’s visually focused culture.  

The Action Bible- Heroes and Villains

Students will love reading The Action Bible- Heroes and Villains. It includes information about the crazy origins, amazing occupations, strengths and failings of more than 75 Bible characters. It shares about their historical background and “Where Is It Now?” guides to ancient and modern-day locations. Diagrams, stories, and fun facts about food, clothing, traditions, individual quirks, and miraculous interventions are included as well!

*Reading Age (8-11 years)

*Grade Level 2-6

*Librarians’ Most Popular Choice (Elementary, Middle, High)

The Action Storybook Bible

The Action Storybook Bible is great for students in elementary school who are learning how to read. It is an interactive adventure through God’s redemptive story. There are 15 episodes from God’s word with several stories in each. After each episode, there is a Life, Faith, Action section where it invites you to talk about God and how to put what you learned into action!

*Reading Age ( 3-8 Years)

*Grade Level (Preschool-3)

*Librarians’ Most Popular Choice (Elementary and Middle)

The Action Bible

The MOST POPULAR VERSION! Once you start reading The Action Bible, you won’t want to put it down! Whether you are a middle schooler or an adult, this version is loved by all! It has over 200 fast-paced narratives in chronological order! Every page is filled with action packed pictures and real life stories that are easy to understand! It will inspire you to share about the original action hero-Jesus!

*Reading Age ( 8+)

*Grade Level (4-6)

*Librarians’ Most Popular Choice (Elementary, Middle, High)

The NIV Action Study Bible

The NIV Action Study Bible is great for students in high school as it is the complete Bible with extras! As described in this Bible “you will find all sorts of features that will get you into God’s Holy Word, written for you. Experience dramatic stories, meet fascinating characters, travel to ancient worlds, and most of all, see God in action everywhere-including your own life!”

*Reading Age ( 8+)

*Grade Level (4-6)

*Librarians’ Most Popular Choice (Elementary, Middle, High)

The Action Study Bible Spanish Edition

La Biblia en acción incluye más de 200 historias emocionantes en orden cronológico, para ayudar al lector a comprender la fluidez histórica de la Biblia y a experimentar cómo la tensión dramática crece hasta culminar en su apogeo conmovedor.

*Reading Age (8+)

*Grade Level (3-7)

*Librarians’ Most Popular Choice (Middle and High)

Wherever You Go, I Want You To Know…

Wherever You Go, I Want You to Know… is an excellent, rhyming book for elementary students. As the students read this book, they will be reminded as they dream about their future, the most important is that they follow and love Jesus with all their heart!

*Reading Age (3 to 7 years)

*Grade Level (Preschool-3)

*Librarians’ Most Popular Choice (Elementary)

His Grace is Enough- NEW RELEASE!

His Grace is Enough- This illustrated, rhyming book will help parents explain to children the unique and wonderful Christian message of God’s grace- that Jesus offers forgiveness and allow us to move on from our mistakes.

*Reading Age (3 to 6 years)

*Grade Level (Preschool-2)

*Librarians’ Most Popular Choice (Elementary)

Stories about Jesus- NEW RELEASE!

Little Me Big God: Stories about Jesus… Enjoy reading eight Gospel stories, retold in a faithful and fun way for 2-4 year olds. Toddlers and preschoolers will love the colorful, exciting illustrations, and older ones can get to grips with the “extra bits” that go deeper into each story.

*Reading Age (3 to 6 years)

*Grade Level (Preschool-2)

*Librarians’ Most Popular Choice (Elementary)